Someone once said that sharing is caring. We couldn’t agree more so here are some of our preferred resources.
Site Development
The most work happens during the Development phase of a web design project. So many elements need to be fleshed out before we begin to build or add content. This is the most important phase of web design – the time when we map out the site’s wireframe, fonts, color selection and all functionality, so it’s important to take adequate time and get it right.
You’ll have so much fun looking through this site. Fonts for free, fonts for a fee. For both Mac and Windows operating systems. is a web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. You can experiment quickly with color variations and browse thousands of themes from this online collaborative community – and it’s fun, too! Another resource that explains the importance of color choices and application to your site is available on this wordpress color-selection page.
Images: Photos, Vector-based, Illustrations, Flash
Site Management
All the tools you need to manage your wordpress-based site and/or blog. Their codex includes everything including tips on blogging.
Keeping up with Social Media
Social media allows you to stay in touch and is a great way to increase traffic to your website, if used correctly.
Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks and lots more.
SmartBrief is a media company on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. The premise behind SmartBrief is simple: there’s too much information out there and too little time in the day to read it all. SmartBrief editors hand-pick the most relevant news, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it – a no-charge service.