Happy Hump Day – It’s Wednesday 🙂
On June 13th, Facebook launched it’s newest toy – the opportunity for users to claim their own recognizable domain name. So now, instead of the generic url address of http://www.facebook.com/home.php, which leaves you virtually unidentifiable, you can – in the spirit of the Gold Rush 100+ years ago – claim your unique identity and easy to convey domain name (i.e., http://www.facebook.com/topeyelidsurgeon). Ok…that was a plug for one of my favorite clients 😉
Anyway, registration began at midnight on 6/13 and according to Bloomberg News about 1 million people staked their claim within the first hour alone.
It’s really easy. Since prior to 6/13 when you logged onto your account you probably have seen a message alerting you to this new feature. It’s easy to get if you haven’t done this already. Just visit http://facebook.com/username and follow your nose.
If you have a Page on Facebook with less than 1000 fans, this feature will not be available to you just yet; you’ll have to wait until June 28th when this limitation will be lifted.
To get all of the answers to your questions, just click on this link. Mutt Media will take you there!
Oh, and it would be nice to become a fan while your out there looking around if you haven’t already. We’ve got a link to make this really easy. Just look to your right under the “Blogroll” header…and click away!
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