Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.18.09 | Top 10 Tips for marketing yourself online. Tip #4: Start Blogging!

Another Tip from Mutt Media NY
Another Tip from Mutt Media NY

Mutt Media Tip #4

4. Start blogging! Create a Blog about your professional life and area of expertise. This can be a great way to reach a wide audience. If your Blog is written correctly Search Engines will pick it up. This can be an extremely beneficial tool in extending your reach to a wider audience and get people talking about you.

Just remember, content is key! Make sure your posts are in your voice, authentic and written by you. Research your material whenever possible and check your facts if you are presenting yourself as some kind of authority on a subject. Give proper credit where due. This applies to all images and authors of other material you may be embellishing upon.

There is nothing wrong with linking to other blogs and websites; in fact, this can help you! The web is built on the premise of many people and their ideas being interwoven, so when applicable, this is a common and useful practice. To ensure your visitors will return to your blog, keep the content fresh, and blog often. Make it easy and enjoyable and your visitors will hopefully share the link and spread the word.

Remember, “If you build it, they will come” (Field of Dreams! – see what I mean by proper credit? I can’t take credit for writing that line!). So build your blog and populate it with content that is relevant. You never know who will read it and recognize your inner genius!

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