Creative Quarantining With Donna Schlessinger
Donna Schlessinger, of Mutt Media, has been using her time in isolation to find creative ways of giving back to those who are struggling during this
Donna Schlessinger, of Mutt Media, has been using her time in isolation to find creative ways of giving back to those who are struggling during this
Nassau County Legislator Joshua Lafazan congratulates Donna Schlessinger on receiving the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center’s Yellow Rose Friendship Circle Luncheon Award.
Legislator Joshua Lafazan recently congratulated Donna Schlessinger on receiving the Sid Jacobson JCC Yellow Rose Friendship Circle Luncheon Award.
Gale Sitomer, Donna Schlessinger and David Schlessinger photo by Rob Rich/SocietyAllure.com ©2017 [email protected] 516-676-3939
Yes, we’ve been very busy. Here’s a complete redesign of the Mutt Media design includes portfolio and links to great resources. Check it out and
Great parenting luncheon on cyberbullying happening in July courtesy of Woodbury Magazine. Was honored to be asked to be a part of this committee and
The Daily Bone 4.9.10 | Mutt Media talks about cyber-bullying & applauds new crop of legislation for prevention/penalties
Mutt Media’s Daily Bone 4.6.10 | Microsoft Announces Project Pink 🙂 | Apple sells over 300,000 iPads
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 3.12.10 Google vs. China: who will win the censorship battle?
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 1.29.2010 Special Event Websites & Logos for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding, Sweet 16!
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 1.25.2010 Hulu may begin charging this Fall
Mutt Media’s Daily Bone 1.22.2010 | ABC News on Haiti’s First Responders – Isreal comes through.
Happy Holidays From the Daily Bone! Here’s my gift to you…How to remove FB notifications re: 3rd party apps like Mafia Wars, Farmville etc.! Enjoy!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 11.16.09 Google Search reunites Father & Daughter apart for 30 years
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 11.12.09 Social Media Revolution
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 11.12.09 Facebook proves Teen innocent of robbery
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 11.9.09 Thanks to Jen Gruber for throwing us today’s Bone re: @shitmydadsays
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.27.09 Entering Second Life
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.26.09 Teens and how they are contributing creative content online
So you’ve set up your account on Facebook, acquired a bunch of “friends”, shared photos old and new and maybe even reconnected with some old
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.14.09 Reprint of Clive Thompson on “Real-Time Web” thanks to Brian MacCormick
Mutt Media’s Brooklyn Wants a Pancake!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.8.09 On the Duane Reade redesign
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.2.09 Hottest Pages on the web right now 10:20AM
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.1.09 Wall Street Journal Online runs a piece about outsourcing your Social Media outreach using companies just like Mutt Media
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 10.1.09 My Woodbury Magazine Article on Social Media & Internet Security
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.23.09 Guest Blogger, Jake Schlessinger on the just-announced Microsoft Courier
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.15.09 Ryan Seacrest meets with Ben Stiller, interrupting his Twitter Shesh
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.14.09 at 7AM top site: Yahoo Blog: Kanye Loses It at the VMA Awards
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 9.13.09 Watch this cartoon from YouTube on Twitter From: “SuperNews!” An animated sketch comedy series airing on Current TV
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 9.9.09 An old favorite: The Machine is (Us)ing Us. Take a look at the (r)evolution of web 2.0
Mutt Media | the Daily Bone 9.7.09 uSocial services to “buy” your Facebook friends
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.3.09 Ikea changes it’s font typeface after 50 years. Will anyone notice?
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.2.09 US Open cautions players against reckless Tweeting
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 9.1.09 Special Announcement! “BeyondFacebook” article in Woodbury Magazine Fall ’09 issue is OUT!!
Daily Bone 8.31.09 Tweetlater changes name to Social Oomph
The following is an article I came across that I found of interest. This article discusses an ongoing debate as to the validity of Media
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 8.20.09 [email protected] is the “anonymous” insulting, defaming blogger
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 8.18.09 Judge rules Google must give up identity of “anonymous” blogger
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 8.4.09 Schmidt & Apple are no more
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 8.1.09 The best things in life are not necessarily free – music downloader pays hefty price
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.30.09 MC Hammer’s cousin arrested. Allegedly raped woman met on Twitter
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.23.09 Facebook usernames can now be changed!
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.21.09 Chase Employee arrested for ATM heist
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.17.09 European publishers seek more online control of works
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 7.16.09 NYPD spends $1M on Typewriters – how retro!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 7.15.09 Will Blog for Food: How the unemployed are spending their time off
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.14.09 Mac vs. PC & Vista security
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 7.13.09 Google & Apple: Share-Share. Is that fair?
Molto Bene Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.2.09 Hello from Positano. Let’s talk about Tweetlater.com
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 7.1.09 A Cute Dilbert comic
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.30.09 Author Alice Hoffman uses Twitter to “vent”
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.29.09 Some interesting data (or so we think!!)
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.26.09 MySpace lays off 700+ employees!
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.25.09 Don’t forget your Facebook personal URL…available to EVERYONE after midnight on Sunday!
Mutt Media’s Daily Bone | 6.24.09 More Craigslist Crime News: Joseph Brooks tries to light up his victim’s lives using Craigslist ads and Christopher Gray advertises to give “420 help”
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.23.09 The Iranian Elections and the murder of Neda Agha Soltan
Mutt Media brings you a Craigslist update….. Today, Austin Fenner of the New York Post reports on a Craigslist item that caught my eye. A
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.19.09 So 5 minutes ago…MN woman found guilty in music downloading case vs. music industry
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.18.09 wonders why all the press about gender bias? https://muttmedia.net
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.17.09 Facebook says “Claim your Username!”
Twitter users will be without their favorite platform today for a bit as Twitter is going dark for an hour at 11AM (NY Time) for
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.16.09 Fade to Black – No more analog TV as of June 12, 2009
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.15.09 My daughter & I go see Jonas Bros. thanks to Ryan Seacrest & Twitter
Mutt Media | the Daily Bone 6.12.09 “Tagged” – You’re It! How was it for you?
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 6.11.09 Tip #10 Do your homework!!
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.10.09 Do some Twitter Citizens yield too much power?
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 6.9.09 A lonely fish contemplates joining Facebook.
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 6.9.09 How much is too much on Facebook?
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 6.5.09 Bernie Kerik is a Twit(terer)
For starters, Happy Birthday to my father-in-law, Stan…… 🙂 You may have heard about the news item regarding Mark Malkoff. He’s the “comedian, writer and
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 6.3.09 LEET-Like Spelling Bee by Mike Luckovich
Read an interesting article in the New York Times on Sunday 5.31.09 called, “Finding New Employees, Via Social Networks”. You can click on the link
Mutt Media throwin’ you a bone….an oldie but a goodie. Enjoy the Alligator King from Sesame Street
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 6.1.09: Iran & the Facebook ban
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.29.09 Top 10 Tips for marketing yourself online. Tip #9: Get them talking! https://muttmedia.net/wordpress
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.28.09 Follow up to Craigslist post from 5.11.09
Media | Daily Bone 5.27.09 Using Social Media sites & Viral Marketing for your job search – a la Faberge Shampoo commercial
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.26.09 Top 10 Tips for marketing yourself online Tip #8 Poll Your Friends
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 5.22.09 Marketing Yourself Online Tip #7: Check out the Competiton!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.21.09 Meet Your Long-Lost Aunt Ida
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 5.20.09 Top 10 Tips for Marketing Yourself Online Tip #6: Learn some new skills!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.19.09 Top 10 Tips for marketing yourself online. Tip #5: Subscribe to News Feeds (RSS)!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.18.09 | Top 10 Tips for marketing yourself online. Tip #4: Start Blogging!
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 5.15.09 | 10 Tips For Marketing Yourself Online – Tip #3: Format your résumé properly! http://muttmediany.com
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 5.14.09 10 Tips For Marketing Yourself Online – Tip #2: Create a New Email Account http://muttmediany.com
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.13.09 Ten Tips for marketing yourself online. Tip #1 Clean Up Your Act!
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.12.09 Health Information Managment – Invasion of privacy or career opportunity? The answer is, well…both http://muttmediany.com
Daily Bone 5.11.09 | Mutt Media poses the question, “Craigslist – Does this online community really come in peace?”
Mutt Media NY | Daily Bone 5.8.09 Taking Social Networking to a new level – using your wall status to report serious life events
Mutt Media | Daily Bone 5.7.09 | LEET or 1337 The language your kids may be speaking – are you fluent?
Mutt Media’s Daily Bone for 5.7.09 talks about Teenage Sexting
Mutt Media | The Daily Bone 5.5.09 | New Kindle to be announced tomorrow – Does this further advance the demise of the newspaper & other printed periodicals?
Mutt Media’s Daily Bone asks, “How Connected Are We and to what?” David Horsey comic sheds some light.
Mutt Media NY appears on Mel Robbins Radio Show and discusses cleaning up your online profile.
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